Saturday, February 11, 2006

Arrested Development: Preliminary Impressions

I don't want to judge too quickly, but I'm through five episodes of the first season of the recently-axed comedy Arrested Development and it really isn't as funny as my friends made it out to be. It has a peculiar feel to it; an odd mix of Royal Tenenbaums and that vintage Malcolm in the Middle-over the top FOX network feel to it.
But to be quite honest, the show is missing a spark. I don't really care about any of the characters. I'll finish up the season before I go any further.
I suppose several of my friends over the past two semesters imploring me to watch the show and telling me it was quite possibly the funniest thing they had ever seen on television really did ruin it for me. Am I missing something?


Anonymous said...

Of course it can't live up to the hype that I've given it. It's like when I saw Wedding Crashers, I was expecting much more.

Prof. A said...

I think you are missing something. I'd keep going. It got my vote for funniest show on TV while I watched it. The more you watch, the more it rewards you, I found. Have you gotten to the point where you appreciate Will Arnett's (Gob) skill?

If so, you'll enjoy his memorable air guitar on Conan...

Anonymous said...

you have to give it a chance, you cant just instantly bond to those characters. It gets funnier as it builds upon its own history.