Man v. Wild - Everglades

This is probably the best episode I've seen to date. Host of Man v. Wild, Bear Grylls, gets dumped into the waist-high swamps of the 1.5 million acre Florida Everglades with nothing more than a water bottle, a knife, and a flint. The swamp is murky, muddy, and covered with debris, so Bear couldn't see where he was stepping. And by the way, there are over 1 million alligators in the water.

This episode was just terrifying and the tension doesn't let up for at least 40 minutes. What's best is that you could see that Bear was clearly spooked as well. This is the kind of tension that the Blair Witch Project should have had.
If you've never seen the series, this is a great way episode to start with. The Everglades episode will be re-airing on Friday, July 13, at 10:00pm on The Discovery Channel.
You know how I feel about shows on the Discovery Channel, but this one is clearly watchable. That guy is pure insanity combined with awesome. Worthy of adding to the old ReplayTV.
i missed this episode! though i don't think anything will beat the one in the african savannah.
there's a marathon this friday, in case you missed some episodes.
Grrateful for sharing this
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