ESPN: MLB GameCast Ticker?

There's something strange about ESPN's GameCast for MLB. The top right keeps the pitch count, but it only has three circles for "Balls," two circles for "Strikes" and "Outs."
It's sort of puzzling because it's very difficult to follow if someone has been walked or if there are just three balls. You also can't tell if someone struck out or has two strikes. Even worst, sometimes I can't even tell if the inning is over.
Am I just reading this incorrectly?
what's up man...
I'm sure you've figured it out by now:
3 filled circles for balls and 2 for strikes imply a full-count. One more strike would update the outs (2 max, since one additional out would switch sides), one more ball would update the bases loaded. Either of the two scenarios would result in a fresh count.
The pictures of the players disappers after a while, for no reasos. It's really frustrating, keep hitting F5 every time this happens. What could this be? Flash issues, browser or ESPN?
Yeah it takes a while to get used to it - but it works fine for me.
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